Never Surrender! (Col 2:16-23)

Paul Di Toma • July 25, 2021

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NewLife Church
NewLife Church
Never Surrender! (Col 2:16-23)

Christ is not enough! You need something more in order to be complete. That is what the false teachers were telling the believers in Colossae.  The “something more” that these false teachers promised was a mixture of Christianity and a bunch of -isms!  (i.e. GnosticismpaganismmysticismasceticismJudaism and legalism.)  The Apostle Paul wrote the Church in Colossae to refute this false teaching and demonstrate the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ in all things.
In chapter 2:16-23, Paul makes a blistering assault against three of the above isms, and it is a message that we very much need to hear today!

Check out this week’s sermon as we continue our sermon series in the book of Colossians.